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Anyone watch this show. Season 2 starts tonight and wanted to know if it is worth watching. I hear such good things about and how it is even better than 24 which is my favorite show.
Last season was good, lots of good story lines and descent acting. Great show, I got hooked.
ya know the hook brings you back....
The Shield is second to 24, IMO. Love seeing The Comish beating the shit out of dirtbags.
ive been watching the sheild this past week. two episodes a week, every night leading to tonights season premier. that is a great show
I love this show,
I watched it last night,
and was so charged up I couldn't sleep,
the show is great,
the writing, characters and actors really pull you into the show....

I was filled with rage when the show was over,

ok I need a life.
Quote:I was filled with rage when the show was over.

Go and necklace some Doors fan instead.
that was a good episode. i love how they covered the bullet holes with bumper stickers and never mentioned it on the show. I just noticed it on the next shot of the car and started laughing
Just watched it last night after taping it. Had to finsih watching the episodes from last season. great episode. The beginning was sick, where that guy was burned alive. Tuesday is the best night of tv with 24 and the shield.
and buffy.
Quote:Tuesday is the best night of tv with 24 and the shield.
yeah, but it forces me to miss the osbournes
Quote:that was a good episode. i love how they covered the bullet holes with bumper stickers and never mentioned it on the show. I just noticed it on the next shot of the car and started laughing

That is the first episode I've I'm hooked. I love shows where cops are just as bad as the criminals. When does Season 2 start?
Quote:When does Season 2 start?
Spit, that was the first episode of season 2.
Oh...oops. :clueless:

cool! at least I'm starting at the beginning of this season then

Edited By Spitfire on 1042147877
the dvd set for season 1 came out this week too
Well Mackey lost it on that wetback.

Line of the show; "Where's your Allah now!"
good episode. that armadillo guy walking around in underwear all the time is disturbing, though
That guy is disturbing...Hell, this whole show is disturbing, realistic, violent, cruel, intense, gritty, etc. etc. It rules!

But Mackey is so fucked now, Armadillo is going to get revenge hardcore. His pretty face is gone.
if mackey did that to me,
a middle class suburbanite,
he should kill me rather than face my wrath.

that sick bastard is a twisted genius,

letting him live was a HUGE mistake.
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