Full Version: Im back again - for more abuse
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<3 ? :-(
< / 3

you broke it.
no it juzt bendz that way
When the funney goes too far. :disappointed:
who's stalking who now? ;-)
smoke a fatty and relax
I'll find her.
Fuck it. I'll be in my cave. :-(
the meanie strikez again
:fuggin: yeaaaahhh

hey VG aren't you supposed to be courting me :rofl: we should totally have Yoga Day, right :bow: streeeeeeatch
i was teasing dankey-poo.

oh yeah forgot, im courting you ladi hee hee :loveya:

downward dog position....GO! :rofl:
oh my
. /\
/ \o <~ in downward dog
How you doin'? :fucking:
yeah, bend over baby. :thumbs-up:
better now

yeah yeah, ooo put your back into it man
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