Full Version: Alkey - I'm off the hook.
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Just wanted to let you know.

Thank you for your support.

That is all.
he juzt wantz to fuck you
Yes. He's a healthy little bastard. That's what got me in trouble in the first place.
Jesus god. I have 230 posts already. What a fucking loser.
you should fit right in
I can chage that.
Coat hanger?
I was only kidding when I said I'd fill your hole with my foul juices.
She'll be in trouble again by morning.
Quote:I hate you guys
You guys are assholes
Expecially Alkey
I hate him the most

C'mon and sing with me.... You know the words

I hate you guys...
God help me.
Danked: Too much pot, not enough Dulf Lungren movies, South Park, Candyshack, etc......
Get on your knees and pray to my deity.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:bow: but alas.....

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