So get in here and take it in the ass the way your daddy used to do it.
dusts off the broom handle
knocks Maynard over the couch & sends it home
duct tapes his hands to his head
& stuffs cabbage in his mouth
Well hello there cum sucker!
How's that rash? All cleared up?
yes, since the boys moved out of my trailer, I've cleared up
what have you got though, that's quite a funky stench ...... you smell like week old possum dung

macks Maynard with a frying pan::
hey remember that Slacker thread one, way back when ... good times :lol:
Ya know....this just doesn't have the same appeal anymore. :-(
Can I piss in your hair instead? I'll even buy you lunch after. :thumbs-up:
yeah, it's not
buy me dinner, then you can piss in my hair, and we'll see where else ;-)
Is Perkins ok?
They might even let me drip the hot cooking oil on your nipples. They puff up and get crusty like a flakey pastry. :bouncer:
ooo it'll be a party. Where is there a Perkins?
can I stick a toothpick in your dick? we can play Cocktail Hour
mmm perkins....breakfast...
*kicks ladi in the ass*
*points and laughs at maymays toothpick weenie*
Perkins is in the boonies!
Laughing at my toothpick dick eh? Not gonna be so funny when I grab your head and skullfuck your eye with it.
fuck the boonies.
*twists the toothpick in maymays weenie*
Touch that toothpick and I'm gonna bite off your fuckin nipples.
:::looks for hockey helmet:::
Quote::::looks for hockey helmet:::
Check LZ's house. He stole them all.
:walks in in full hockey goalie regalia:
Someone playing hockey?
Damn...this is a smell that never gets old.....why, cuz it IS old :lol:
What's up guzzlers?
:dusts off bucket...dips it into well....walks over to Ladi and dumps it on her head: There's our gal :thumbs-up: :banana:
*throws helmet at buttmunch*
*kicks maymay in the vagina*
*and punches metal in the skull for good measure*
You wanna punch me in the vagina? FINE, but you're gonna lose your hand. Nothing's ever gone in there and come out in one piece.
Kinda like your panties.
you lose, im not wearing panties.