Gomez sucks... I don't have any proof as to why yet, but he sucks.
Oh, so does everyone else.
This is constructive :thumbs-up:
The second post in this thread sucked.
This is hilarious, but it should be removed because it offends one member.
There's blood in the streets it's up to Jack's ankles.
Quote:Oh, so does everyone else.
wtf - now I hope you stay sick forever!!!!
jack did you Gomez's permission to use his name in this thread?
Can't we throw Gomez in the cell? Wheres a moderator when you need one. Arpi woulda never let this happen.
Did you slit your wrists yet?
Yes Jack, you never cleared this with me, please delete it
I knew Gomez sucked the first day he signed up here.
So I just ignored him.
It's too bad your rage is fake Jack. You could be one Hell of a gangsta if you were real.
Jack why has this not been deleted?
I am outraged
Danked, I knew you were a closet fuckin hippie. Out with you. Pride, son.
Jack doesn't suck but it is true that Gomez sucks.
Down with Gomez. He likes blueberry coffee. He must be bad.
i just dont like the double standard of jack using peoples board names in his posts without first obtaining thier permission.
i want my baker avatar back
I'm going to take away my sig and leave the board for a week....But I shall return in ten minutes
Quote:i just dont like the double standard of jack using peoples board names in his posts without first obtaining thier permission.
Oh.. and Gomez is stupid too.