Full Version: I don't want to do this anymore....
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Nope, sorry, you already had your chance to get rid of me.
How many times have we fucked up that opportunity already? :poke:
I am unable to achieve interest in anything today other than you fine people. Thank you.

Jack is bipolar.
I'm just teasing you. :poke: :loveya:
make me a mod
Arpi why does anybody wanna become a mod?
Its the last thing that should be on your mind, I guess youre a loser after all
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:make me a mod

You won't give up will you?
Quote:I guess youre a loser after all
ypu cut me to the quick :-(
it was a good try, though.
Arpi is curled up in the fetal position crying after that remark
i would feel better if jack made me a mod
But the intruige and excitement is gone, what would the point be?
there would be plenty of intrigue and excitement. trust me
What's the first thing you would do?
create a utopian society based on jungian principles
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