Full Version: OAS, in the news
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Did anyone else see the report of the 75 year old man acting as a pimp and think immediately of our own aged one, OAS? :poke:
The acting part should have tipped you off that it was an imposter. I suspect it was Ken.

Thanks for that though.
this thread might have been funny if you posted the story or something
Sorry...I leave the cutting and pasting to the experts....where is Teenweek anyway?

Besides, why don't you step away from the fucking computer once in a while and turn on the news.....geek! :poke: :banana:
Cause I get all the news I need from geeks like you.

geek :poke:
He's got you there, Metal. :poke:
No no.....Teengeek is the one who posts the stories. Alas, this is just a failed attempt at teh funney :disappointed:
I can't get to CNN..... chained to desk.....
Teh Funney?