and he had a gal that squirts lard.
kid on Andy Griffeth show that looks like Sleeper.
Quote:Galt looks like Opie.
mixed with Timothy McVeigh
Galt looks like the the weird kid from Fright Night.
daaaaammmnnn!! check out Zooty
yeah man :5:
a full page and almost 24 hours later, ladi jumps in with more of her idiocy. :thumbs-up:
what is this obsession you have with prompt responses :32:
i could ask you same about your moronic posts
Quote:i could ask you same about your moronic posts
*grunt* me Jane, you Tarzan
Quote:me Jane, you Tarzan
you boring idiotic poster
now, had she said that she found Arpi attractive, would he still be calling her a moronic poster? doubtful, but many of us probably would
Quote:had she said that she found Arpi attractive, would he still be calling her a moronic poster?
yes. she sucks the life out of every thread she posts in by making no sense, two word posts, and posting days late about shit that was over 3 pages earlier.
Arpi has a secret taste for meatflaps? :1:
I doubt he could handle Ladi's though :lol: Rumor has it they ain't for the faint of heart or weak of stomach :30:
Quote:Arpi has a secret taste for meatflaps?
you sicken me