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virgingrrl Wrote:like i said, i didn't mean it as an attack on you silly Smile
I know Smile if you were attacking, you would've used these Confusedeph: :punch:
God, 99% of girls irritate me to no end. If something is bothering me, you'll know about it before even having to ask. Although it does take a hell of a lot to bother me. And as far as the decision making goes, if you ask me, I'll tell you an answer. But Sean, watching wrestling, scratching myself, and waiting for good commercials is sometimes a fun night.
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:Hey you always think you got power over me don't you?

i KNOW i have power over you Wink
You're the exception momma, I am yours to do with as you please....

Here is another that fuckin kills me:

Why in God's name do women have to ask loaded questions? Am I fat? How do I look? How much do you love me? These fuckin questions are just posed to make men squirm damn it. Women ask these questions with all rebuttles all thought out and it is fuckin sickening. If you spent the last month on the couch eating some Ben & Jerry's, yeah, your fuckin fat. If you are wearing sweats and a ripped t shirt, you look like a homeless slob. When they finally invent a fuckin scale that dicates the ammount of love one has then I will be more than happy to answer. Now, get the fuck out of the way of the damned TV, sportscenter is on and your fat, bloated, sweat pants wearing ass that I happen to be in love with is in the fuckin way. Bitch.
Quote:Now, get the fuck out of the way of the damned TV, sportscenter is on and your fat, bloated, sweat pants wearing ass that I happen to be in love with is in the fuckin way. Bitch.
REmind me to use that line next time she's standing in front of the TV. :bouncer:
Quote:Now, get the fuck out of the way of the damned TV, sportscenter is on and your fat, bloated, sweat pants wearing ass that I happen to be in love with is in the fuckin way. Bitch.
i think that might be the most romantic thing i've ever read :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:

um, as to your questions, i don't really know. the only one i can answer is about deciding what to do. i don't usually like to make the decision because if i pick something to do that sucks: crack :punch: me :p
crx girl Wrote:i think that might be the most romantic thing i've ever read :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
I should truely think about writing for Halmark at this point. I have the pulse of the love market within my grasp. I can be a millionare damn it! :bouncer:
Heres the answer, in a few simple words: Its the bitches that'll getchas!

Other than that, I'm with you Sean, it pisses me off to no end when I don't get a straight answer from women when I ask em whats wrong or somthing like that.
How come when somebody says or does something to upset you, You get all bitchy with someone not directly responsible for the problem?
How come you can raise your voice when talking about it...And if we do the same...We're fighting with you?
Why won't you let us get a fucking word in?
Don't you know how goddamn frustating that is?
Don't you realize that doing that will turn it into an argument instead of a discussion?
Why the fuck is everything our fault?
Why the hell can't you appreciate the things we do for you, instead of dwelling on the things you think we SHOULD be doing?
Will somebody please fucking kill me now goddamnit?!?
If you don't want you mother to keep digging in our lives, then maybe you shouldn't tell her every goddamn thing that pops into your fucking head.
Why am I the only one you'll fucking stand up to, when I'm the one that's on the same fucking team as you?
Fuck me...I need to smoke a fucking joint.
Sean Cold Wrote:Is it predetirmined at birth that a straight answer is something that can not be given? Or is it written in some sort of secret fuckin code that under no circumstances can you just answer a fuckin question concerning yourselves?

Case #1: If a man asks you what is wrong, why not just say what is wrong? Do you have to, as a woman, say nothing when it is beyond fuckin obvious that something is amiss? It is almost like you would betray a nation by saying what you are pissed at.

Case #2: When approached and asked what you want to do, like going out for the night, why say "I don't care"/ Even better, I love the "Let's do what you want" line. Sorry, 9 times out of ten, women do not want to watch wrestling and scrath themselves while drinking beer till a Snuggles commercial is laugh out loud funny.

:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
To answer your question Sean, not ALL women are like that:

In case 1- I have no problem telling a guy why I am pissed, since most of the time it was that guy who pissed me off.

In case 2- I have no problem telling a guy where i want to go- and you know where I am on monday nights.

Some women are intimidated by men. When I was younger I was too. But not any more, and if you know any who are give them my number I will teach them better.
Sean Cold Wrote:Here is another that fuckin kills me:

Why in God's name do women have to ask loaded questions? Am I fat? How do I look? How much do you love me? These fuckin questions are just posed to make men squirm damn it. Women ask these questions with all rebuttles all thought out and it is fuckin sickening. If you spent the last month on the couch eating some Ben & Jerry's, yeah, your fuckin fat. If you are wearing sweats and a ripped t shirt, you look like a homeless slob. When they finally invent a fuckin scale that dicates the ammount of love one has then I will be more than happy to answer. Now, get the fuck out of the way of the damned TV, sportscenter is on and your fat, bloated, sweat pants wearing ass that I happen to be in love with is in the fuckin way. Bitch.
Sean you are a romantic

So how do I look Sean too fat??
I have officially handed in my Testicles...
She wins...
I just want it to be calm and happy here. :disappointed:
Women are so much more cliquish than men. A group of guys can meet another group of guys and within a matter of minutes can have a pretty decent bond and share common interests. Drink or play basketball or football or something.

Women seem to always be out to get one another, always seem to be paranoid about other women, etc. Why the fuck is that? You'd think the guys would be more competitive since 9 times out of 10, the guy has to be the one to approach the women or at least be the one to show more than a friendly interest.

Another thing I don't understand about women is the too much or not enough attention thing. If you don't pay attention to a woman, it makes it a challenge for her to win your attention, thus drawing her interest more. Take this too far and you're ignoring her and now shes upset. Show too much interest and she's bored with you or she thinks you're pathetic. Finding the right balance with each girl is always one of the biggest challenges in a relationship. And the funny part is, at least from my experience, this medium is almost always different with every girl and her tolerance for one or the other varies from moment to moment.

No wonder men die of heart failure at a rate much higher than women.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 19 2002 at 11:41
amen to that keyser!!
trampy316 Wrote:So how do I look Sean too fat??
if it looks like a land mine, and it smells like a land mine, I shall avoid such traps as if it was a land mine. See what I mean peeps, a loaded fuckin question. :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
approach with caution sean!!
I'm usually straight up in my answers. I mean if I wanna go watch a movie I'll tell you..If I don't wanna go to a baseball game or some shit, I'll tell you. I don't think I've ever said "whatever you want". That takes away my bitchiness and my strong personality. PFFT. :eatme:
BeckyDC Wrote:I'm usually straight up in my answers. I mean if I wanna go watch a movie I'll tell you..If I don't wanna go to a baseball game or some shit, I'll tell you. I don't think I've ever said "whatever you want". That takes away my bitchiness and my strong personality. PFFT. :eatme:
always trying to boss us around. pushy bitch.
Quote:always trying to boss us around. pushy bitch.

lol no no no . DON'T even try it..I have to tell YOU what to do..and the name is Mistress Bitch to you.
teehee Rolleyes Confusedpits:
Quote:the name is Mistress Bitch to you
i am really going get you and maymay confused unless you change that.
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