Full Version: Gonzo - my hero
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Quote:Dear God.
I would like to cash in the rest of it now, thanks.
Dear God,

Please don't let Splat get me going with prayers again. :crackhead:

Thank you,
You live in a gorgeous area, Jack, with clean air and a lake and a sunset. I live in with lucid fecal matter, cement, daily fireharards, and rodentia.
Jack lives in Escanaba?
Holy shit. I have never heard anyone who was not from Escanaba say 'Escanaba'.

You been there? Or did you see the movie?
I've been all over that God forsaken state of yours.
What's the matter with you?
Nothing, I'm not the one living there. :lol:

Dear God,
Please make OAS live in Gwinn, Michigan,
for the rest of his natural life.
Dear Gonzo,
It's snowing where I am.
I want to go home.
Are you sleeping right now?
Dear Mom and Dad...
Dear World,
I hate you.
All of it sucked.
I wish I were bigger so I could make a bigger mess when I blow my skull apart.
To Whom It May Concern
I'm confused
I want my voice back
why do you treat me like this?
Thank you for your time,
jack admitted he is gay
Dear Jack:
Thank you for your letter, which was forwarded to us by public relations.
Your use of the voice you once enjoyed was on terms of lease.
Your lease has expired.
Sincerely yours,
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