Full Version: Fear factor suffers first fatality - Did anyone not see this coming?
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IkeaBoy Wrote:should we proclaim Galt a Liar and lock this fucker?
whats this?is there actual moderating going on that doesnt involve code work?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Feb. 17 2002 at 9:04
fbdlingfrg Wrote:whats this?is there actual moderating going on that doesnt involve code work?
I Might Go Mad With Power!!
IkeaBoy Wrote:
fbdlingfrg Wrote:whats this?is there actual moderating going on that doesnt involve code work?
I Might Go Mad With Power!!
mad, well... yeah...
power, ...LMMFAO.... you have no power... who are you kidding...
I really have no idea how I missed this story. This is the funniest. HAHAHA!
has it been proven true yet?
HyBriD Wrote:has it been proven true yet?
I'm going on record as saying it's false
oh well.
Maynard Wrote:I really have no idea how I missed this story. This is the funniest. HAHAHA!
Shit somebody definetly gonna get shot now, I vote for Maynard, Galt and FN Moron.

Edited By GonzoStyle on Feb. 18 2002 at 2:03
(Maynard @Feb. 18 2002,1:47)
Quote:He didnt write it. He's not that creative.

(Maynard @ Feb. 18 2002,1:18)
Quote:I really have no idea how I missed this story. This is the funniest. HAHAHA!

Pfft to Maynard!

Edited By Galt on Feb. 18 2002 at 11:08
Seriously, post a fucking link already.
Galt Wrote:Los Angeles (Reuters) - Miss Ferguson was the third contestant during NBC's "Police Offer Fear Factor" to be shot by 18-year Army Ranger sharpshooter veteran Kevin Atkin. Contestants were to stand against a wall and be shot in the chest by Mr. Atkin. The previous two went off without incident as the Spectra vests, which are more protective than Kevlar, stopped the sniper's bullet easily. NBC Spokesman Lee Snyder said, "We are all deeply effected by this tragedy, and our hearts go out to Miss Ferguson’s family and friends." Mr. Snyder continued, "Every precaution that could be taken, was taken, and it was just a matter of a freak occurrence as Miss Ferguson apparently passed out and started to fall right as Mr. Atkin was shooting. If that bullet had hit her vest, there is no possibility we would be talking about this incident now."
you could have at least proofed ur work before u posted it... deek.

Edited By Hummercash on Feb. 18 2002 at 6:35
Galt, you are fucking brilliant.

Orson Welles would have been proud.
Keyser Soze Wrote:Galt, you are fucking brilliant.

Orson Welles would have been proud.
I agree, very funny Galt.

I may just steal your idea and post in on another board like you did with mine. :fuggin:
Ok everyone, this is a <font color="blue">*** OFFICIAL ***</font> thread Hijack.

Make Galt cry. Do it! Do it now! Make him cry like a bitch!
you know the simple fact we didn't pick it up when he talks about Retard Fear Factor makes me want to slit my wrists
too bad. it was a believable story.
Seph is just upset becuase:

1. He didn't make fun of someone who posted a news story even though there was little to no comment.
2. He was fooled like the urine colored simpleton he is.
3. SEALS whup ass on Ninjas (who aren't even real)

PS. if you steal it, fix the grammatical errors that I didn't pick up at 3 in the moring, while heavily intoxicated.

Edited By Galt on Feb. 19 2002 at 12:29
Quote:SEALS whup ass on Ninjas (who aren't even real)
Although I once saw some seals playing "Happy Birthday" on some horns.
no matter how many people you fooled, ninjas still kick ass.
IkeaBoy Wrote:you know the simple fact we didn't pick it up when he talks about Retard Fear Factor makes me want to slit my wrists
How is that different from how you always feel?
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