At long last, our collective wait is over. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan will finally be on tv again at tonights No Way Out ppv. I hate long hype times like this one but I think it may be well worth it.
My best guest is that Jericho is going to be aided by the big guns to help him retain the title and set up the Wrestlemania main events with Stone Cold and The Rock vs two of the three "founders and Triple H vs Y2J.
Please God, if there is one, do not let Angle win his match vs HHH. If they pull that one on us, it is quite possible the Wrestlemania title match will be Angle/Austin yet again.
Speaking of Austin, they can not let this man out of character ever again. I watched a little of his hosting of MadTv last night and I have to say that it was utter shit!
i hope something good happens after all this hype. the nwo is probably going to come out and punch someone, then leave. woo-hoo. i hope flair joins the nWo and throws a real curveball. :poison:
I was thinking about shelling out the 30 bucks for the pay per view tonight. But you know what i dont thnik it's gonna be worth it. NWO attacks HHH and or Austin and the show ends with them spray painting the logo on someones back. See it for free and Raw tomorrow night.
I'll probably end up paying more attention to the Hooters girls than to the PPV. I already know what's gonna happen.
The first 2 hours of the show will see the actual matches taking a back seat to the NWO hype. Now, why the WWF feels the need to hype a show that people have ALREADY FUCKING PAID FOR is beyond me, but that's been their routine lately and I don't expect it to change.
There might actually be a couple of decent matches on the undercard, though. It will be fun to watch Regal school the still clueless Edge yet again, and the tag title match could either be surprisingly good or a huge pile of suck.
The NWO hype will come to a halt once the HHH/Angle match begins. It's okay to step on the undercard, but they wouldn't dare step on the Hunter/Steph soap opera. I don't see any way for Angle to win this match.
And yeah, the NWO will run in with about 5 minutes left in the show and help Jericho retain. It will suck, people will know it sucks and feel ripped off, but still continue to watch.
I will then go home and put on an All Japan tape in an attempt to dull my memory of three middle aged men with man breasts pushed to the top of the only national wrestling promotion. At least until tomorrow's Raw, cause I'm a sucker too.
nWo opening up the show, quite a surprise
eh, it was decent. the rock cracking on the nWo was funny. when the nWo first came out, it was pretty cool to hear the responses each person gave. especially "HEY YO".
Why the fuck did HHH lose??? Grrrrrrrrr...probably setting up for a 3-way at Wrestlemania... Oh Joy
The Rock, Undertaker match sucked so bad, we actually started counting how many punches vs. wrestling moves the Crock had (like 70 vs. 5 BTW, and 2 were done BADLY, like that stupid neckbreaker, God the Rock sucks, please become an actor!!!!!)
Jericho won again, but everyone knew that would happen...
I dunno, their PPV's are getting more and more shitty, even the NWO segs weren't very good...glad I didn't pay for this one, but at leats RVD vs. Golddust was pretty good
Edited By Spitfire on Feb. 18 2002 at 02:14
Ok, as a whole, this is three steps backwards from Royal Rumble. This show was just absolute shit actualy. Not one match, not even the RVD vs Golddust was worth a ppv slot.The matches were just the same old shit we have seen for the past few weeks and that truely is not a good thing.
As far as the nWo, nothing ground breaking except one thing: How toned down were they? I mean, were they always this bad on the mic or did they somehow develop mic rust? It almost felt like how you at times long to watch an old movie only to realize half way through that it no longer messures up.
At my place, we all just started conversations and talked stright thru each match...not a one, besides the nWo spots (in which we hoped and prayed for more) caught our attention. And the nWo spots, as Sean said, were very toned down and rusty. Best thing of the entire night was Hall's beer comment. I only hope that a good RAW can redeem this complete clusterfuck of a PPV.
Quote:Best thing of the entire night was Hall's beer comment.
About him drinking, did you see Nash give the big "no-no" hand gesture :roflmao:
Yeah, my ppv experience was the same as yours, I didn't even really pay a whole hell of attention to this ppv, my friends were funnier than anything the wrestlers had to say...
Boy from those reviews i'm glad i didnt waste the 30 bucks for it.
PatCooper Wrote:Boy from those reviews i'm glad i didnt waste the 30 bucks for it.
dude, I can not put into actual words how bad this ppv sucked.The only highlight that is still in my head is the way The Rock just tore them up on the mic. Other than that, I rather have watched a match of sudden death curling.

Funniest part is all PPV's suck according to us yet 2 weeks later we say how cool they were, lol.
The Rock is my god for that fuckin promo he cut with the nWo yesterday. The facial expression when he mocked razor ramon and when he did the toot for nash was priceless. Only thing I expected that he didn't do was his Hogan impression.
The PPV wasn't great as far as entertainment but you have to remember that the next PPV is wrestlemania and if you can't have a great PPV right before WM. Plus it set up tons of possible new angles, yesterday just tapped the surface.
HHH losing was a surprise though.
Sir O Wrote:I'll probably end up paying more attention to the Hooters girls than to the PPV.
yah, thats wut i ended up doing... only problem is, we got some ugly schwoogie waitress... 2 hot chix worked the tables in front of us and behind us, we got stuck w/ this ugly cunt. FUCK.
that and the fact that we were @ hooters for 5 hours just sucked... they wouldn't even put on Heat
Tell me you didn't wanna suck the cum right out of rock's herp strudle when he did the "chico" and old razor ramon sway. Then the ::toot toot:: to Nash.
that rock promo was hilarious. that really is the only thing the rock is good for, being funny. kind of like you gonzo. :p
HyBriD Wrote:that rock promo was hilarious. that really is the only thing the rock is good for, being funny. kind of like you gonzo. :p
![[Image: brandon.jpg]](
Besides the NWO being there (which they should have been used better than being used as a bunch of jabronies), this PPV SUCKED!! The matches were boring and slow, and the crowd reaction was bad, although with quality like that, i wouldnt cheer either. The ROyal RUmble was great, but this ppv took some steps back, imo. Although i love that Kurt won, it made no storyline sense sinceY2J won too. Same thing with APA and Spike and Tazz, just dumb.
RAW has to be good tonight to make up for this.