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is oleander in cell 2? what happened? you miss so much when you are in the cell. :-(
Hey Arp.
why is ken in cell 2. i need info!!!

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1042390808
Is this the questions game? :clueless:
is this my conjugal visit as promised by Jack? if so ,start sucking baby!!!!
Quote:start sucking baby!!!!
....but you already suck......why should I start sucking? :lol:
i meant my dick. you should start sucking my dick
Quote:i meant my dick. you should start sucking my dick
Ok...let me go find my magnifying glass first..............brb
Ok....I brought several just in case.....ya ready? [Image: 1345631.jpg]

[Image: metal-magnifying-glass.jpg]
yup, lets go!!!
Quote:yup, lets go!!!

[Image: 1345631.jpg]