Full Version: Time for Poetry! - clocks ringing
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What are you doing here?
What do you want?
Is it music?
We can play music.
But you want more.
You want something & someone new.
Am i right?
Of course I am.
I know what you want.
You want ecstasy
Desire & dreams.
Things not exactly what they seem.
I lead you this way, he pulls that way.
I'm not singing to an imaginary girl.
I am talking to you, my self.
Let's recreate the world.
The palace of conception is burning.
Look. See it burn.
Bask in the warm hot coals.
You're too young to be old
You don't need to be told
You want to see things as they are.
You know exactly what i do

wonder wonder
in hopless night
out here on the perimeter
there are not stars
out here we is stoned
immaculant :fuggin:
Meeting you at your parent's gate
We will tell you what to do
What you have to do
to survive
Leave the rotten towns
of your father
Leave the poisoned wells
& bloodstained streets
Eneter now the sweet forest

isis sucks
she sucks a lot
she tells me lies
I hope she dies.
wow, didnt know you were a cry baby too Rolleyes

bouncy, bouncy