Full Version: One more step, and you lose!
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This is officially a doors thread now, thats what Ill turn it into.

I was taking a shit today and just as the last piece dropped, I farted and it felt so great.
Im glad that your ass hole is doin some healthy exersice
well I dinggled into town about an hour ago
took alook around to make sure i was down wind. Confusedmokey:
My dick doesn't always get hard when I want to whack off, so I like to use toothpicks to prop it up. I stick the toothpicks in at the base of my dick and keep going around the entire circumference like Stonehenge. Once I get it nice and stiff, I get a Swiss cheese wheel, and go to town using the different sized holes. Man does that feel good!!!! Sometimes the toothpicks work so well that I need to carve my own large hole in the cheese to fit my dick through. The cheese is really good at soaking up the blood from the toothpicks and sometimes plugs up some of the holes, but that's okay cuz I just save the cheese to pass off as cheddar made with a special sauce for chili cheese fries or baked potatoes whenever I have the in-laws over for dinner. Sex and satisfaction all rolled into a cheese wheel and my own special secret sauce!!!
nothing feels as good
then wakin up with morning wood

just thought i'd add that

you said Wood
hudddduududddd yeah