Full Version: Come on Gonzo!!!
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So Gonzo you HATE me, come on then BAN ME! lets see how you function, if you stand me to provoke you and annoy you
What are you waiting for really? me to lick your ass

Are you a strong minded human, can you deal with my opinions or is it more easier to get rid of me?
what the Hell happend
you were such a pussy on the other board.
I think your on something! :poke:
me? :loveya:
Never a pussy when it comes to expressing myself :lol:
more like Always. :lol:
I'm not banning you.

Nice trap but i'm not stepping into it, a martyr can only nail one hand to the cross, find someone else to get the other one for you cause I am not him.
So why did you lock me, for entertainment only? Confusedmokey:
Cause you asked.