Full Version: I am now on a short leash....
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Quote:VG is a maaaaaan baybeeeeeeee!

Now THAT is a gimmick.
how can one be sure? nobody has ever seen her/him.
VG could be one of us......
Good morning! Hope you're all super fantastic today!

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Quote:this gimmick is beginning to annoy.

It's no gimmick. You will forever be my prison bitch.
so Ken had leg warmerz on in the Cell?
i think VG is actually another poster's alter ego. i'm almost sure of it.
ip check?
Quote:ken seein gonzo gone

I'm taping you.
Hmmmmmmm.... Now VG was around in the early days of like me, I believe. Who else still here was around then besides me? Hmmmmmm.....
so now you want to claim 2, 2 alter egos?

This mystery is beyond me. I'm gonna go listen to Tori... I mean... Phish... and dwell on it for a bit.
Quote:so now you want to claim 2, 2 alter egos?
Don't forget #58 in the Naughy Nightie contest, Megan from Boston. :loveya:
Quote:I'm gonna go listen to Tori
I think Ken needs to keep his "leash" to himself.
i hate all of you.

We're in the same room at the same time!

Freaky, no?
I think Sweet is fixated on my leash....
Sweet thinks your "leash" should shrivel up and fall off.
your first post....

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