Full Version: Bigfoot, Lochness.......VG
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My mind, Ali Larter.
Kenny Rogers... Long beard, beer belly, trucker type guy.
What?!? I have to ONLY listen to metal? Go admire your pretty vagina again misses you
see, and i always pictured her as claire danes...
i don't understand why showing your pictures to people makes you a bad person. is this some kind of weird internet geek rule that you have to remain anonymous?
Quote:i don't understand why showing your pictures to people makes you a bad person. is this some kind of weird internet geek rule that you have to remain anonymous?
If that's the way people are most comfortable what is the big deal, Keyser? :clueless:
thats not my point, im talking about why is it bad if someone doesnt mind posting their pictures. in what universe does that make someone vain cause they are comfortable doing so?
I have seen more pics of you Keyser,
than of my self,

that might be the point with which vanity is assumed.
Quote:thats not my point, im talking about why is it bad if someone doesnt mind posting their pictures. in what universe does that make someone vain cause they are comfortable doing so?
It doesn't. To each thier own...remember? :poke:
there are alot of pictures cause they take a ton of them at each show, its the nature of the beast. it has little to do with vanity.
I think she was just poking fun at you Keyser.

Maybe you're over reacting cause you agree with her. :clueless:
agree that i'm vain?

i was actually responding to Ken.
maybe he's overreacting because she turned him down as well? :poke:
People actually respond to Ken? :crackhead:
that made me laugh,
as I was just about to post...

Quote:i was actually responding to Ken
I didn't know people ever did that.
Oh no....I lauged at one of your posts today and now we're thinking alike! :crackhead:
i would have been upset she turned me down if i could actually confirm she exists.
So then you're not upset that she turned you down?
are you saying she doesn't exist?

didnt say that
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