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[Image: cpfc23101.jpg]


Edited By virgingrrl on 1042773183
that one is scary, they cut a chunk out of the cow :disappointed: poor little guy

i know someone that had a cow pitcher
and milk poured out it's mouth, so they had to wipe it's chin each time

.. so i kinda guess it was throwing up on the food :thumbs-up:
i like VG's cow

can you milk your cow?
i saw this thing on tv once where those indian porcelain elephant god statues drank milk from a spoon and no one could explain it.
it was cool.
I saw that too, Hedcold. I couldn't figure out how they did It, and I almost thought "Could It be real?" It was on "In search of" or something like that.
I'm more curious to know how porcelain elephants made their way undetected Into Sleeper's room.
yea how DID they get here? hmmmm
milk me baby. moo MOOOOO!

see and i have the dorthy cow & starry starry cow.

a collection started for me by my friends and family, crazy fucks.

[Image: dt_7241_d.jpg]

[Image: dt_9196_d.jpg]
I love cows. :loveya:
me too luner, like my mooo moo's? ;-)
Yes, I do. I used to go to this farm in PA to get fresh milk and I'd always spend time with the cows. They were fun. I'm a freak and even used to bring my camera with me. Unfortunately, the man died and his wife can't do it all by herself so they sold the cows. :-(

To stay on topic sort of, my mom collects elephants...but, they have to have the trunks in an upwards position. Rolleyes
Luna, I think your mom's fixation on collecting elephants with their trunks up signifies your mom has deep hidden desires that are yearning for resolution.
so she wants to hump the elephants?
Shame on you VG. This is Luna's mom we're talking about here. Something like she wants to hop on the trunk and go for a ride might be more appropriate.
sorry luner...look at my mooo moo's and all will be good again.
I'm gonna have to sit my mom down and give her a good talking to! :crackhead:
Quote:but, they have to have the trunks in an upwards position
granted it's an old wife's tale but that's supposed to mean that you'll have good luck.
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