Full Version: Love 101 - advice for the younguns
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Quote:i think your best bet is to be a ho until you think you've found the one you want to settle down with.
OK, found her. :loveya:
Quote:what about not being a ho at all. ever. but when you find the right person, be his lover and his little whore. all in one.

nope, that defeats the whole enjoyment of single life.
not for me it doesn't.

im perfectly content.

i dont need to sleep around to feel loved.
it has nothing to do with feeling loved. its about raw animal lust.

not for you, but that doesnt make it wrong.
Quote:i dont need to sleep around to feel loved.

a fundamental difference between single women and single men?

i only ask cuz i've been married so fucking long i forgot what its like to be single

Edited By Metalfan on 1042817165

not for me.

but i see your side.
I don't need to sleep around to feel loved either.

In fact....I feel less loved after having cheap sex with no feelings for the other person. I don't love myself after I do that. So I stopped doing it.
and i see yours. i hope you find that special someone.
i have <3
Quote:In fact....I feel less loved after having cheap sex with no feelings for the other person. I don't love myself after I do that. So I stopped doing it.
maynard, you must have been having sex with the wrong women.
No, it's just my personality Keyser.

I've had fun....but I always beat myself up over it after the fact.
life is too short for regrets
Are you maturing, Maymay? :poke:
Quote:Are you maturing, Maymay?
ACK! I hope not!
He probably has his ex to thank for that
i hope i never grow up
Can I join the empowered women commune?
yes Suzie

Keyser "I wanna be a toys R us kid"

Quote:what about not being a ho at all. ever. but when you find the right person, be his lover and his little whore. all in one.
how do you know if you found the right car, if you don't test drive a few first
Quote:how do you know if you found the right car, if you don't test drive a few first
I've never driven a Ferrari but I know I'd love it.
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