Full Version: remember when.....
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Remember when Froy was into beastiality?
Street Angel?
remember when i was ScaryBearSalesman?
Remember all those "Hello" threads?
remember when we didn't know what Arpikarhu meant?
Remember the Alamo
Remember the titans?
Remember when the World Trade Centers dominated the city's skyline? :-(
remember bang party?
Remember the topless waitress and the bear that drove the bus?
remember jaymohrbuddy?
remember mavric305?
Remember to drink your ovaltine kids.
Remember Charlie?
remember Baker?
they left their childhood
on every acre
and who was wrong,
and who was right?
It didn't matter in the thick of the fight,...
Remember, loose lips sinks ships.
Ladi sinks ships?
remember that Corpse was supposed to bring the food? :thumbs-up:
remember the "spooge" picture? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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