Full Version: Who is your Heroin? - Love 103
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the other thread had me thinking :twak:

Have you ever had someone you can't quit? They get under your skin & haunt you ... you would kill them if you thought you wouldn't miss them so ... you need it, you want it, you'll do anything for it ... then you get to like it ... the pain they cause you is good, cause you've been bad :lol:

Tell me who breaks your heart :burnfucker:
Just one gf so far. It was one of those break up, get back together every other week or so things. It went on for a couple of years until I just couldn't do it any more.

The pain lingered for a year or so.

Went cold turkey on her ass.
Hmmmmm...who breaks my heart, huh?

Right now, I'd have to say "Rupert".
I didn't know you would kill me Ladi. I better watch my back. :-D
Quote:Right now, I'd have to say "Rupert".
O-KLA-HOMA! Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma!
This is fucking retarded.

Why would I want to kill someone I love?
:clueless: you've never been addicted to someone who is bad for you?
Quote:you've never been addicted to someone who is bad for you?
Ladi?? are you having a case of I-like-badboys syndrome? :clueless:
Sure I've been addicted to bad people, but I've never wanted to kill them.
Quote:Have you ever had someone you can't quit? They get under your skin & haunt you ... you would kill them if you thought you wouldn't miss them so ... you need it, you want it, you'll do anything for it ... then you get to like it ... the pain they cause you is good, cause you've been bad
I have never had all these emotions at one time...
Quote:I have never had all these emotions at one time...
I find that hard to believe, coming from a chick.
for me, it's more like crack than heroin.
yeah i find that to happen to me more often then not...
Im still stuck in that "love/hate/kill and laugh at their dead body/love and want to bang" kinda mode.

Im trying to work past it.... Rolleyes