Tricia came up with the idea and danked gave his ok.
Instead of putting two arguing lovers in the cell, they will be confined to posting only in this forum until their quarrel is settled.
Since arpi and maymay are the first two in this elite group, I have named this newly created member group "quarreling lovers". I have also made their log in color pink.
Scratch away ladies.
Quote:Since arpi and maymay are the first two in this elite group, I have named this newly created member group "quarreling lovers". I have also made their log in color pink.
Gonzo is a goddamn genius! :lol:
I can feel the power of veto coursing through my veins!!!!
I am a golden god!!!
hurry get one of them, I want to see it

The quarrel that raged for three hours in 4 different threads in The Pit.
Are you people that far gone that you can't see a joke anymore?
I guess we're going to be left in here forever then. Because there is no quarrel.
We ain't so far gone.
This is our half of the joke. :lol:
Edited By Danked on 1043160599
I see.
As long as you realized it wasn't real!
But least other people go down to the cell to visit people when they're in there....we're gonna rot here. :-(
What's so different?
I'm visiting you right now. :lookatme:
Yes....but I'm stuck in here with ARPI! :disappointed:
I would NEVER do that to anyone else.
Hi Luna, Hi danked! :loveya: :loveya:
Hey CLS, whats shakin?
Did you steal my $7?
nah, i think it was that shady guy in the rifle team jacket.
Damn HIM! I knew he was bad news from the time I saw him.

Quote:Are you people that far gone that you can't see a joke anymore?
I guess we're going to be left in here forever then. Because there is no quarrel.
You coulda played along faggot.
I did.
And started all this chaos.