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who delivers to the Cell???

is it too early to call Domino's??? :banana: :banana: :banana:
So much for them letting you out at midnight, huh? :clueless:
Shut up and get back in your cell. It's inspection time.

Hmm.. whats this doing in your cell?
[Image: trowel.jpg]

2 days in the hole.
:Confusedneaks hash brownies through the bars::

taylor ham, egg & cheese w/coffee & grapfruit juice :thumbs-up:
Quote:So much for them letting you out at midnight, huh?
yeah... right :crackhead:

Quote:Shut up and get back in your cell. It's inspection time.
:fuckoff: nazi!!! :fuckoff:

the man can't hold me down... you'll crack before i will...

Quote:taylor ham, egg & cheese w/coffee & grapfruit juice :thumbs-up:
eewwwwww..... coffee & grapefruit juice are nasty..... ick... :-(
well, youuuuu weren't gettin any anyway
me -> :twak: <-Ladi
it that anyway to thank me for a head full of drugs? you're gonna have to ride in the trunk
well.... thanks for the drugs... but you can keep the coffe & grapefruit juice.... :thumbs-up: