Full Version: Hi Danked
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Hows it goin?
You'll pay for this. Pay dearly.
nobody likes a nazi.... :lol:
You just wait till your father gets home.
Danked.... you still wanna sing Johnny Cash at the Cell Block Party this weekend??? :lol:
Let me know when we can fit back in the room again. Your head is taking up too much room.

And Arpi and Maynard hate each other.
I hope you have a blanket, Danked - it gets really cold in here.
I gotta go back to work now. Lunch is over. Have fun.
don't worry Danked.... i'll keep you informed on what's happening on the outside... :toast:
that'll learn you danked. maynard was right!
I warned you all. Jack was manipulated by Weird and Maynard. Weird was egged on by Maynard and stole my password till I logged in and changed it just before being celled.
weird never called me names.

thus he is cool, and you're lying.