Full Version: This is cannot stand, Gonzo....
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I'm sacrificing myself for the good people still stuck inside the cell, poppa.

Cell me and let these fine people go.
Did your brother hijack your account again?
i aint leaving if danked aint leaving
Danked likes the feel of cold iron barz in hiz handz while big Hector is applying the strawberry jelly
We'll come back for them Dankey, I need you.

We gotta figure things out and plan our next move.

Unless you've been eyeing fdblingfrg.
fbd, Ladi, and Weird must be released. Now.

Quote:Unless you've been eyeing fdblingfrg.
No, sir.

Edited By Danked on 1043183688
stand together :banana:
Jack was irresponsible. Since he will bitch out and release himself anyway, I will pay for his crimes.

Cell me.
freedom tastes good, doesnt it, guys?

Cell me cause Jack's a bitch.
Sorry I was watching judge judy, what did I miss?
Quote:Cell me cause Jack's a bitch.
no... Cell Me!!!... Cell Me!!!! :fuggin: