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Wanna do that thing we discussed at the bowling alley?

Think it's time he takes a vacation?
Ah, decisions decisions....

Not just yet. It pleases me to know the he's aware of the axe looming just above his head.
if amy needs her buttons back that bad its fine with me.

traitor. :-(
Quote:eu·tha·na·sia ( P ) Pronunciation Key (yth-nzh, -zh-)
The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

I thought you used a sword.
I'll have a variety of weapons to choose from when I school his ass at Medieval Times.
Will you ride your horse naked?
watch out, dont let my back hurt your knife
If Hybrid admits that Ben Affleck sucks at everything I'll put an end to these foul misdeeds on my part.
Quote:If Hybrid admits that Ben Affleck sucks at everything
Didn't you rent Changing Lanes last night? I thought you liked Affleck. :lol:
[Image: stallowned.jpg]
Quote:Didn't you rent Changing Lanes last night? I thought you liked Affleck.

Danked told me he rented Changing Lanes, he also added that he liked the movie except for Ben Affleck.
He said it differently last night. I believe I heard a "Ben Affleck is the man" and a "How can you not watch it? Ben Affleck is in it." and a "Ben Affleck was great in every movie he did." Yep that's what I remember him saying.
weird will you be my friend? Undecided
Sure, Hybrid. But unfortunately you only have 3 days to live. I'm sorry you had to find out like this. :-(
Dude, you weren't supposed to tell him that he only had three more days to wreck havoc as a Stoner Forum mod. Undecided
you still got stallowned
Nuh-uh. I rented it cause Samuel L. Jackson can turn shit into solid gold.

But I didn't see the new Shaft movie, so don't quote me on that.
i never should have asked you to help take over :disappointed:
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