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yes it IS
Quote:no it isnt
yes it is... :rofl:
is moron really funny ?
Laughing at your own jokes is never funny
Quote:Laughing at your own jokes is never funny
kinda like praising your own sigs, huh? :-D
Quote:is moron really funny ?

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>NO</span> he's not.
Quote:kinda like praising your own sigs, huh?

Show me where I was serious when I praised them and I'll give you a cookie
gomez never praised his own sigs. i did.
Do you have said cookie?
Yes I do
i have some chips, but no cookies.
yeah.... show me the cookie....
yes but what KIND of chips?
i think they might be pringles.
i can't believe a guy would offer cookies, then not even have the cookies to back it up... :disappointed:
I'm baking them as we speak
are the pringles © salted?
Quote:I'm baking them as we speak
oooh... what kind? :banana:
Chocolate Chip
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