Full Version: fuck - chapter 2
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warning .. you have been warned by the fcc to post as if you were in a danktatorship.

I excpect to be gone soon..

I still wanna take a bath with u danked... :fuggin:
who gets to drink the bath water? :crackhead:
oh you're here.. this changes everthing... ::pulls:: dent in the tub
you've become quite the li'l whore, haven't you... :-D
I am turned on by being warned...
yes.. I am dirty. .that's why I need a bath.. join me?
i just took a shower... sorry Rolleyes
:grabs the louffa: I'll get your back...and a few other areas too. ;-)
OH Aurthor

anytime. :blow:
better make it soon art....
hey... get a room... :fucking:
Quote:better make it soon art....

How about now? :-p
Now. perfect..
So, what room would you like to :fucking: in after your bath?
I had the perfect tub pic in here last night but the danktatorship took it off. grrr
Damn, and I missed it.

Was it bubble bath with candles around it? Did you have one bare leg dangling out of the tub?
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