Full Version: Haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaa ha... Daisy!
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A fucking poodle!

He has a poodle!

With little bows in her hair! Pink bows... with hearts on them. :lol:
Confusedneak: and you say you love him
you got me the poodle, what are you laughing at?
So I could post this thread and mock you!
so you really do? Can I seeee your poodle? ;-)

The Burbs is on, Tom Hanks just ate a sardine :rofl:
I still don't believe it......nope......not at all......I just can't picture it.....
[Image: lepinkpoodle.jpg]
Ugh... how much did I have to drink last night?
Quote:The Burbs is on, Tom Hanks just ate a sardine

ooh i was watching tooo

i love when the dog finds the femur bone in the yard & they start screaming.

& i happen to know someone who has a poodle names hercules.

he bit me.
the guy or the dog?
Heh.... a poodle.
Sephiroth says Gonzo's mom is pretty hot.

She's got a hot voice. She calls me every once in awhile.