Since I refuse to leave the heat on in my place while I am a my girlfriends, cause I am too fuckin cheap to pay a $145 Con Edison bill again my pipes going to my kitchen sink appear to have frozen up...any ideas on how to fix this problem???


heat them up with a lighter?
If I had a blowtorch I woulda probably ended up lighting my cabinets on fire.
heatgun, or hairdryer will work in most cases..
Go to the hardware store and get some pipe insulation tape or heat tape (electrical tape that you plug in).
You don't have to leave the heat on high while you're away. Set it to like 40 or 50. That way you're not paying huge bills and your pipes won't freeze. I have electric heat, so I know all about high bills.
Set it between 50-60 and you will be fine.
You'd be ok too if you set it to 75. :thumbs-up:
mmmmm 75, i'm dreaming of summer
Quote:Go to the hardware store and get some pipe insulation tape or heat tape (electrical tape that you plug in).
you're so smart :loveya:
No i read I think in the Daily News this week that in this extreme cold weather, the thermostat should not drop below 60 degrees.
Quote:I have electric heat, so I know all about high bills.
You can say that again....electric heat sucks. <table style=filter:flipV>$$$$</table>
Quote:you're so smart :loveya:
:-D :loveya:
Quote:move out.
That's coming some where along the way. Thanx for the help gang...I appreciate it. They thawed out a few hours after I posted this.
great........i read this thread and sort of chuckle to myself.....then i go to do the dishes and it seems that my wter pipes are frozen too!!!!!
<marquee><span style='font-size:107pt;line-height:100%'>FUCK!</span></marquee>
Your PS2 isn't frozen, is it?
tsk tsk tsk.....when will you boys learn that hardware stores are our friends? :disappointed:
Wait until summer to use the water.
Quote:Wait until summer to use the water
this explains the rumors.
Quote:this explains the rumors.
This is part of my tactic to get under my neighbor's skin.
whatever works for you, smelly boy.