Full Version: CRXgirl's Birthday Bash!!! - A night of limey, eye-rolling fun
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Quote:Says who? Bseides, why is liking it a prereq for modding? I like the stoner place.

then you said

Quote:and you wonder why I don't like this place.

I don't mind if you don't like it here but don't ask why you aren't a good candidate for mod, especially when you honestly have no clue what goes on here cause you aren't involved much.

Prior to the last few weeks you posted once in a blue moon here, you're dragging on a non-issue really over the fact that you took what I said completely seriously. I stated my opinion and thats all I have to say.
I'm putting Gonzo on the next mod vote
Thanks d00d!!!
Quote:haha she said pot shots
:lol: that made me chuckle too.... :lol:

I get it now.
:thumbs-up: welcome to teh funney Gonz..... :lol:
i like pot :thumbs-up:
Gonzo, shouldn't you be sleeping to avoid the party? Undecided
i revoke my nomination for suzie to me mod. :disappointed:
Happy Birthday Trish. :toast: Sorry I couldn't make it. Wha...What do you mean nobody even noticed I wasn't there?
Hedcold was there. :lol:
I wasn't even supposed to be here today, man. Undecided

Hope you had fun Tricia. :toast:
happy birthday limey!
that was fun
:toast: :fuggin: :thumbs-up: yeah man

a good time was had by all :banana:
:disappointed: im disappointed in myself
Quote:Gonzo, shouldn't you be sleeping to avoid the party?

I don't avoid my friends cause I know the meaning of the word and cherish it.

I had fun tonight, why the fuck did I not get a bye from the limey?

what happened amy?
or what didn't happen?
Sleeper pissed her off.

The rest of the night was fun, though. :thumbs-up:
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