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Balloon Not????
ok not that creepy
I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "Boatsburgh"
Quote:ok not that creepy

::takes butt-whippin' boots off::
Ack!!!!! Does it have a little "buddy" too?
Quote:I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "Boatsburgh"

Ooh.. Ooh.. I know. Is it Maverick?
subzero > SBB
Quote:I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "Boatsburgh"
why the alias? :clueless:
* We are sorry to have diverted you attention. .We will now return you to your lame GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and this thread sucks post that you are familiar with.*
Oh... Duh..

It's Sleeper's Best Buddy.. I get it now. SBB.
jack you will never ever get it
"Sucks Big Balls"?
Quote:It's Sleeper's Best Buddy.. I get it now. SBB.
Sleeper's Butt Buddy???? :clueless:
Quote:.We will now return you to your lame GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and this thread sucks post that you are familiar with.*
why pick on me? :-(
skullcrush sbb arrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggh!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Pages: 1 2 3