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I'm serious, can someone tell me why I did it?
I'm sick too :-(
i hope you get AIDS so I can enjoy your posting more regularly again. :loveya:
Awwww...Keyser wishes me the HIV...I feel loved!!! :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
i think gonzo is on the right track...take it one day at a time...enjoy the ride for all its worth
Quote:i think gonzo is on the right track...take it one day at a time...enjoy the ride for all its worth
agree :thumbs-up: circle gets the square

:banana: :banana: :banana:

You've cut out your dancing'
And you never see a show
Friends drop by to pick you up
And you hardly ever go
It seems your head in in the clouds above
You've got the ways of a woman in love
she will eat your soul
Spoken like a true whore with no heart Keyser. :thumbs-up:
If you're happy, just keep at it.
I plan to.
as long as you are happy, honest, and loving...i say stick with it. :thumbs-up:
It's not VG, is it? :-(
Like I said....I plan on it. :bouncer:
it is VG
why do you assume its me?
Cause this cruel little love triangle I've created in my head deems it so.
oh.i see.
Cause maymay is the only one whose actually heard your voice out of all of us, VG. It makes us wonder, ya know?
true true.
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