Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Jack voted for me

I have 8 votes

We are tied dammit, fix it now
i would have voted for hybrid if he made the list
thanks :thumbs-up:
Me too. I voted for him last time instead of myself.
Quote:i would have voted for hybrid if he made the list
you vote for whover the governing political apparatus tells you to vote for.
Arpi, it's good that we are talking again, but there is no reason to stalk me left and right now, jaysus
Sleeper, I think you should try out the Michael Hutchence Jerk-Off kit over there at NYU.
gonzo hates me now. thats why im not on the list. he's buddy buddy with danked now. Undecided
what? Michael Hutchence never went to NYU, why would we name the jerk off kit after him?
B/C that's how he died.
We might as well as rename this place Cold Day in Florida.
have you ever jerked off in a bowl of cereal while smoking a bowl :rofl:
no. is that the breakfast of champions?
Sweet. I just got another vote!

Thanks, Jack.
A proposal for Danked's campaign slogan.....

I haven't voted yet. This is a hard desicion......but, I've already scratched one person off my list when I first saw this.

I'll vote last minute. :-D
Stick to singing and wooing the ladies.
yea, that was REALLY bad dude
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