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I wonder if he'll forgive you should he not even rank second and gets shut out of the next mod vote. Your vote might've made the difference in the end.
Jack is officially dead to me
Quote:Goat, how about you give me your votes and I'll let you use my mod powers once a week?

nah, it's a close enough race that I wanna see how it plays out.

Quote:I'm talking about the fact that I mis-voted
Quote:Goaty isn't going to share with you
Quote:Goaty got my vote and I can't change it so he gets to keep it. I voted too hastily

jack, could you move the knife in my back a little to the left? I have an itch that I just can't reach.

I wonder what I did to you to receive such angst... :-(

Quote:Jack is officially dead to me

you know Gomez, I think I agree with you on this.
There's no way either of us is going to overtake Danked, let us combine our powers, you be mod one week, I'll be mod the next week, it's brilliant.
I'm not exactly in a trusting-mood. First Danked turned on me, then Jack. I trust noone but myself.
we need a terry tate in our moderating corps
No trust needed Goat, we can have the admins make sure that it goes down this way

It's win win
Why would he wanna ally himself with someone in 4th place? If anything, he should get in touch with Ladi.
Quote:Why would he wanna ally himself with someone in 4th place? If anything, he should get in touch with Ladi.

I was just about to say that, you beat me to it.
He's tied with me if we take you know who's mistake into account
Thats the type of ruthlessness that I was talking about. Your doing a great job Gomez. Keep it up. :thumbs-up:
You know, if a certain someone was to make me mod I would probablly be in a very forgiving mood
A vote for Gomez is a vote for Jack.

Oops.. I think I just killed any chance you had.
Quote:Thats the type of ruthlessness that I was talking about. Your doing a great job Gomez. Keep it up.

hey jack, in case you missed this before...
:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
Yeah, but I know you don't mean it Goaty. We have always been cool. Thats why you originally got my vote. But I need someone who is going to be ruthless to back me up. I need someone else to be like me. The cells lie dormant for too long at times.
If the rumors I am hearing are true, a certain someone sounds like he needs someone like me
<-----still hasn't voted :fuggin:
Quote:But I need someone who is going to be ruthless to back me up. I need someone else to be like me. The cells lie dormant for too long at times.

right, because tossing people in the cell for the Hell of it is so funny and hilarious Rolleyes
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