Full Version: Mod Vote 2003
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Do I detect a level of sarcasm in your post Goaty? We can still be friends... and if you win (which it looks like you might), I'll teach you the ways of being a mod.
Quote:Do I detect a level of sarcasm in your post Goaty?

sarcasm? me? surely you jest Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

Besides, aren't you more a code-<s>boy</s>monkey than a mod? Instead of "keeping the cells warm", you might wanna work on those CGI errors that seem to have resurfaced recently. :twak:

Edited By goatweed on 1043871188
Those "cgi" errors are from the host. Nothing we have control over.
the level of animosity is getting a bit too much.
Quote:Besides, aren't you more a code-<s>boy</s>monkey than a mod?
Quote:me? surely you jest
it's getting too real now, someones gonna blow.

ohh I gotta take a shit, brb.
Goat, let us join forces and stop this evil
Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Ladi!!!
Find your own webspace
Quote:Goat, let us join forces and stop this evil


Quote:But I need someone who is going to be ruthless to back me up
Quote:If the rumors I am hearing are true, a certain someone sounds like he needs someone like me

no thanks, Gomez - I've gotten enough knives in my back for one day.
I never finished that post, I was hoping he would say yes he needs me so I can say TOO LATE BACKSTABBER

How about if I backstab you they can permanently lock me in the cells? Huh, how about that? How about another wing on your house? Would that help seal the deal
Quote:How about another wing on your house? Would that help seal the deal

What?!?! The Square Foot space equal to that of the empire state building sideways isn't enough for Goaty already?
im still pissed. this is me when im pissed. ---> :angry: i mean business!!
Quote:How about another wing on your house? Would that help seal the deal

I need another wing like I need to gain 50 pounds.

Quote:How about if I backstab you they can permanently lock me in the cells?

How about if I win, I lock you permanently in the cells? :-D
Quote:How about if I win, I lock you permanently in the cells?
Now you got it.
Ahh, look at the polls, you are loosing ground, let us join forces and take over

How about your own island?
Quote:How about your own island?

to add to the 40 I already own?

What can you offer someone when they already have all that they need?

Quote:Now you got it.

The same goes for you - and I'll take the keys away from you too! As you said, the cells are empty for far too long at times...
Pft.. each mod gets their own set. You can pry mine from my cold dead hands.
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