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....If I am a mod, I will do nothing. I'd relax, sit on my ass all day, I would do nothing.

...If I am a mod, I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a mod. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. As a mod, I don't want to do any of that.

And, for my foreign policy, I will kill all foreigners. Thank you...
Say Anything?
.... quiet you...

...:ahem: This speech is totally original, straight from Mr. Jays' noggin, right here, yep... I'm all for honesty and truthfulness, and truthfully, I should be mod... just refer to my totally original speech...
Promise suzie a blockbuster keychain and a night with moron and she'll vote for you.
Quote:I hope that when all is said and done, goatweed and I can still catch that movie.
Quote:And then I'll punch him in the face.

next time you wanna go look for someone, you can do it alone :-(
wow, everyone has more than 1 vote, thats a first.

Goats giving dankey a run for his money.
Wha? :-D
Quote:Promise suzie a blockbuster keychain and a night with moron and she'll vote for you.

...lend me a blockbuster keychain?
Quote:Goats giving dankey a run for his money

that's what he gets for wanting to punch me in the face!
I'm not driving them over to you, those crazy fuckin roads of yours still give me nightmares.
I didn't like your movie choices.
i think you should go for it
Quote:I didn't like your movie choices.

But Pluto Nash looks like a great movie!
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, motherfucker!!!

Cause you're like Bill, I'm like Ted, Gonzo is the medieval babes we're going to rescue, and Blockbuster is Death. It totally fits!
Quote:But Pluto Nash looks like a great movie!

Any movie that costs 100 million to make and grosses 2 million in theaters is worth a watch.
can i be rufus?
Rufus! :thumbs-up:
:-D :thumbs-up:
I just wanna take a ride in that phone booth :-D
Which was bill and which was ted?
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