Full Version: The last post in this thread wins!!!! - Pt 2
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:lookatme: ...mornin' freako's!!!!
Mornin dear.
Hey there Moron...what's shakin? :banana:
not much... i was just finishing up working on a new skin design... i should be posting it soon... :fuggin:
Wish I had the time, and know how, to do that :disappointed:
I suck at the photoshop. Undecided
ok...i'll take this one....

is there anything you don't suck at? :poke:

(sorry, too easy :lolSmile
it's ok... i suck at the Photoshop too...i have Photoshop 6 but i rarely ever use it... i'm all about the PaintShopPro (version 7.02) :thumbs-up:
...this post is for my buddy Danked... apparently he's not allowed to play in here any more... :disappointed:'re always a winner in my book buddy :thumbs-up: :loveya:
<div align="center">[Image: chongscript.jpg]</div>
he should be able to post Undecided
...agreed :thumbs-up:
so what do we do about it?
write your local congressman or woman
i dont know why he cant :clueless:
Undecided's just not fair... Dankerella should be here Undecided
did he forget the secret handshake?
we never had a handshake Undecided
so says you :poke:
it shouldn't be that no mods are allowed in here, it should just be no mod powers. that safe zone idea

:fuggin: but, whatever

we'll see, everything changes quick, Dankie will be back
Undecided ...i hope he comes back soon.... i miss the li'l fella...
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