Full Version: The last post in this thread wins!!!! - Pt 2
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Watching "The Mummy" again...can I win yet?
No... cause I'm watching Death to... Smoochy...

wait... I don't think that makes me a winner... :disappointed:
I'm watching Law and Order and looking to see what jobs are available in other cities....I think I should practice my "excuse me mister, could you spare a dime?"
Heil Smoocy. :clueless:
What about Rainbow Ringo?
oh wait I forgot to say something ...... something've got nothing to say and we all know it! :poke:
:banana: Metal.... guess what... lose :bouncer:
:twak: ...shush you :lol:
Now I'll have to wait til I get home from work to find out if I won. Poop.
You lost. Poop.
As usual. :disappointed:
Hey Mo.......

Try and catch me now :banana:
:bouncer: I don't care what you say, today is the best day evar
Why's that? You get your surprise yet?
of a different sort :-o
Are you preggers?
shhhh, don't tell :keke:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1044889467
I win!!! :banana:
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