Full Version: The last post in this thread wins!!!! - Pt 2
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Now here's something else I have to find an Kazaa.
do a search for "2sdtheme.wav"
Quote:That was the best fucking show.
I must be missing out on something good, huh? I've never heard of this show. :-(
luna 2 stupid dogs was abso-fucking-lutely hysterical.
Quote:luna 2 stupid dogs was abso-fucking-lutely hysterical.
What do you mean "was"? Is it gone now? :clueless:
yeah Looney.... 2 Stupid Dogs was on Cartoon Network a few years ago... i think there was only like 12-15 episodes... and i haven't seen it on in quite a while... i have a bunch of episodes (maybe all of them) on tape somewhere... maybe after the snow thaws, i'll go dig them out of storage & make copies...
Quote:yeah Looney.... 2 Stupid Dogs was on Cartoon Network a few years ago... i think there was only like 12-15 episodes... and i haven't seen it on in quite a while... i have a bunch of episodes (maybe all of them) on tape somewhere... maybe after the snow thaws, i'll go dig them out of storage & make copies...
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
somehow danked got a .wav or .mp3 file to play each time you looked at a certain page in the thread that we did when ladi went to vegas

you know the one i'm talking about...right?
<bgsound src="">


it's magic i tell you! MAGIC!
Quote:somehow danked got a .wav or .mp3 file to play each time you looked at a certain page in the thread that we did when ladi went to vegas
huh :crackhead: learn something new everyday
I don't have speakers here, I should open that up at home :lol:
Yeah... it was on the second page of the music thread I posted for you, but it'll take awhile for it to load on your computer at home. :poke:
:rofl: that poem just gets better & better each time.... :rofl:
i know........i get a good giggle each time i open this page!
:rofl: there it is again.... :lol:
black magic
do that voodoo that you do so well

I wonder if Luna has a smilie for pulling a rabbit out of a hat? That'd be perfect right now.
[Image: vambunny.gif]
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