Full Version: The last post in this thread wins!!!! - Pt 2
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ok.... you're still new here... so i'll take your weed... but you do not WIN... :twak:

...don't make me start deleting your posts :burnfucker:
You may take my weed, you may take my posts, but you never take my WIN!!!!!!
Rolleyes did somebody say something???
Rolleyes there it was again.... danked, did you hear it? :clueless:
:thumbs-up: weeeee.... my first abuse of stoner-mod powers :lol:
funny thing...I actually can still see my old posts...if you click on the page number in the actual forum you probably can too...

Feels good. Don't it?
:lol: yeah... i can see how you got caught up in that whole nazi-mod thing :thumbs-up:
Quote:funny thing...I actually can still see my old posts...if you click on the page number in the actual forum you probably can too...
No I can't... Undecided
...dumbass Confusedmack:
Are my posts gone forever or are they just stuck in limbo somewhere??
Salsa boy.... it was "one" post... but it's gone forever.... get over it... :poke:
Damn, the TTB were truly smarter than the sum of their individual parts.....frightening.
Metal... you're just now coming to this conclusion :clueless:
Mo, sometimes you really do need the chair shot across the head to shake the cobwebs out :disappointed:
:twak: ......hope that helps you out buddy :thumbs-up:
I win.
Thanks, pal. I knew I could count on you. :thumbs-up:
hey look... Looney snuck in & i didn't even see her...

Hi Looney :lookatme:
Mornin' everybody.
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