Full Version: Have you ever masturbated to the thought of.. - another board member?
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Confusedneak: Never ever again am I going to touch myself and think of you.
Rapes amazing technique for blowing things got me all excited tonight, that and her cleavage.
I love when Gonzo's mad at me. :loveya:
i love danked's new sig
Quote:Rapes amazing technique for blowing things got me all excited tonight, that and her cleavage.
It's all about knowing what to do with your hands while blowing things. And cleavage? Since when do I have cleavage?
You are all filthy, disgusting people
You're just jealous that you didn't get to stare at my supposed cleavage while I blew things bigger than my head!!!
How can you people live with yourselves?
quite well :loveya:
You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Afterwards... a little bit.

But only for a minute or two.
Quote:You should all be ashamed of yourselves

sorry, I was afraid of that happening

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1044239885

i sucked at the blowing thing :-(
you were ok in my book. :loveya:
I've already masturbated to 6 out of the 7 girls there last night, try to guess which ones.
hedcold's gonna kick danked's ass when he finds out you cranked it to his girlfriend.
Quote:hedcold's gonna kick danked's ass when he finds out you cranked it to his girlfriend.
She was the first one. :loveya:
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