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Hey Maynard, you no good piece of stale cat shit. Next time you decide to start some trouble, leave the rest of us out of it. If I get celled again for some bullshit that you started, I'm gonna track you down, nail your ass to a cross and burn it. But not before raping your ass with a Bamboo pole. Die scumbag.

Oh yeah. Happy Birthday. :banana:
Thanks Weird. Thats the bestest birthday wish I ever got! :thumbs-up: :bouncer:
I thought mine was pretty good too :angry:
Quote:Thanks Weird. Thats the bestest birthday wish I ever got!
I was wrong, I just got the best birthday gift anyone could ever want in the mail today.
he beat Galt to it.
new pink bicycle shorts and a squirrel groomer
go go gadget chin!!!! :thumbs-up:
a dave grohl blow up doll
a wedding proposal?
having a good birthday? :-)
Yes I am.

The best ever.
awe. happy birthday. havea reeces on me :bouncer:
VG's panties
a special birthday mix CD from Spit?
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