Full Version: What's your favoUrite Cookie??? - ..purchased at a store, not home made...
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I'm gonna have to go with Nabisco's "Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookie"... in my opinion, it's by far the best cookie on the market... it's filled with creamy peanut buttery goodness and has that wacky peanut shape... oh, but the shape is not just for looks... it also has many benefits... for example, the elongated cookie makes for easier holding & less mess while dunking in milk... plus, they are just the yummiestest...

...ok, your turn :fuggin:
i can't decide. i go through phases. maybe it's a chocolate creme oreo. or a soft batch chocolate chip. or a peanutbutter chocolate chip deluxe cookie. i dunno. you pick for me.
ok.... i pick Nutter Butter's :thumbs-up:
[Image: oreocookies.jpg]
I like chocolate hearts the bestest. 2 little short biscuits filled with chocolate mousse. yummmmmmmmmm
[Image: nutterbutter.gif] Confusedneak:
Nutter Butters are good, but Oreos are better. I like the peanut filling, but the cookies don't do it for me.
Goaty... you're just saying that so i vote for you, aren't you Confusedneak:
what - you mean you didn't vote yet?
:rofl: slay me :lol:
Soft Baked Cookies or Oreos...or...mmmm cookies!
Quote:Soft Baked Cookies or Oreos...or...mmmm cookies!
uhhh... Polly... where do i get me some of these mmmm cookies?
i like sarah lee white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
Chewy Chips Ahoy all the way.
milano cookies are very good.
really Danked.... i always figured you as the Enteneman's type... go figure :lol:
The NEW Oreos. Half mint or half peanut butter or.... what was the other one?
I was gonna say those too, Moron, but I didn't even want to attempt to spell the brand name for fear I'd spell it wrong. :-p
i think you're safe... i think SLASH lost his red pen :lol:
i make amazing oatmeal cookies.

may favortie ones are the ones i add butterscotch chips in them. MMMMM.

i also make great peanutbutter cookies.
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