Full Version: they will blame the jew - Columbia shuttle explosion
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you watch and see. this whole shuttle thing will end up being the Israelis fault. :-(
What shuttle thing?
yeah... what shuttle thing? :clueless:
Never mind. I just found it.

ARpi, you suck balls.

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the space shuttle columbia just blew up.
I blame the jews
It didn't say it blew up. It just says it lost contact.
Oh Damn....I guess I should have turned on the TV from the beginning.
i don't blame the jews.... i blame arpi...
they always blame the jew :-(
I blame all jews for this

All of you

Shame on you
we didnt do it!!
Flux capacitor go boom.
too bad lance bass wasn't on board, arpi coulda consoled joey fatone.
terrorists would never attack a shuttle with lance bass on it . he is a hero to the muslim world. they revere him as a god.
I was just hit with a piece of debris Undecided, how long before someone calls one of these tv stations saying "baba booey" Undecided
Now its an act of terrorism cause the israeli was on board, lol.
wait... so arpi was right.... it was the jews Undecided
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