I need a distraction.
I'm pissed off. :-(
It'll be okay. It can't be that bad or you would have wrote aaarrrrggggghhhh. :thumbs-up:
... Danked always has that magical ability to make things better.... :loveya:
Ladi found a distraction. And I know what she's doing!!! :lol:
Quick impression...
Ooo ahh arrgghh ooo ooo arrgh ah oooooooo arggggghhhhhh ahhhhh
.... is that followed by a ooo eee ooo ahh ahh ching chang walla walla bing bang?
Dude, that's just sick.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Wow. Ladi's been offline an awfully long time. :thumbs-up:
Is she masturbating to a board member? :-o
Cheer up Ladi :toast:
Who said she was masturbating? :-p
She was watching Rocky.

Quote:Who said she was masturbating?
She was watching Rocky.
She masturbated when he screamed my name.....
Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on 1044236302
I watched Rocky :poke:
I will, thanks
so you masturbated while watching rock?
ew :-p
Polly's name is Adrian? :clueless:
Edited By Danked on 1044250127
quit yer bitchin' woman and get over it :poke: