Full Version: You know what's funny?
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Falling asleep and forgetting to turn off your computer, and forgetting to exit chat

I had a good laugh reading it this morning, thanks guys and gals :thumbs-up:
Don't keep me in suspense!!! WHAT'S FUNNY?!?!?
Yeah... post the whole thing.
OA Weird NJ: I told you I was hardcore
you bothered to read it :crackhead:
thizzzzzzzz thread izzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzooo not funny
FnMoron must have attempted to sleep 4 or 5 times during chat
CTRL - C chat
CTRL - V here
I like keeping you in suspense
Oh yes....I am all a-quiver waiting for this nugget of comedy gold :crackhead:
it reads kind of like this, but longer
I can silence this naysayer if he's bothering you, Gomez.
I don't really want to post it so I don't violate people's privacy even if it was in an open chat
you could post the transcript on duffgardens
Quote:I can silence this naysayer if he's bothering you, Gomez.

Show me the gold in that lump of coal and perhaps I'll sing a different tune. Until then :fuckoff:
GodIheads Lament: Ashitti
GodIheads Lament: it's funny
jshoejr: haha
GodIheads Lament: no see
GodIheads Lament: it's funny
GodIheads Lament: because her name
GodIheads Lament: is Ashanti
GodIheads Lament: but she's shit
GodIheads Lament: see
GodIheads Lament: it's funny
thekman11: not really
theres more comedy gold where that came from
triciaj76: ha
triciaj76: the guy who compared o and a's firing to 9/11 is saying the rf fans are crazy

Guess who Tricia is talking about
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