Full Version: Would you be attracted to... - an opposite sex version of yourself?
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i'm so confused
Well, if she's made of anti-matter.....ah, what the Hell :firebounce:
As liberal minded as I am, I just can't bring myself to fuck somebody with a goatee. Now maybe if I shaved, who knows? :crackhead:
Why would a female version of you have a goatee?
Quote:Why would a female version of you have a goatee?
...cuz she would have already hit menopause and heve the whole facial hair thing going on... :lol:
That was just too easy Moron. :lol:
:lol: ...yeah.... it was.... :fuggin:
I'd love to see the feminine version of Alkie.
you're back? wheren't you moving?
I'd dip my cock in wax and broken glass and stick it my clone's ass.
Quote:I'd dip my cock in wax and broken glass and stick it my clone's ass.

Somehow thats only funny when DIG says it.
Quote:you're back? wheren't you moving?

I did move. I'm in California. :-p
How are you my bestest buddy?
which part? :thumbs-up:
Exceptional, good Gonzo. Ladi, in the Bay area. We've had earthquakes already. :bouncer:
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