Full Version: Would you be attracted to... - an opposite sex version of yourself?
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Is it that hard to start a new thread? Discuss.

oh and No I wouldn't, I'm unpretty.
Again, for the record...

Nope...seeing my older sister makes me realize what a truly ugly woman I'd make.
no. an opposite sex version of me would just be a twin...which is incest...and disgusting.
Hybrid is so full of shit.
ewwwww, thats makes it alot easier to say no to this subject. thanks for making my decision much simpler.
AN opposite sex version of you, wouldn't it be more like a clone type thing? It wouldn't actually be a family member.

rules need to be set.
same blood
yeah but it's a clone, no one birthed it so it has no family.
come on Keyser....just imagine you're laying on top of the mirror instead of just looking at yourself in it :lol:
well, I wouldn't want to procreate anyway, so I'm ok

I would probably fight with me a lot, I already do
but me & I, would be good together, I'd sport fuck me :thumbs-up:
i'd have to see a picture of her first.
well i say no.
well talking to the clone of you can be looked at two ways.

The good - it is you so it's gonna be fun cause you'll agree and always have shit to discuss.

The bad - it can be boring cause it will never have an opposite opinion. But arguments will be minimal which is good.
Keyser's clone would probably reject him
they would fight over the hair dryer
I'm gonna merge these two topics just to spite you.
I hate you.
No, you don't.
No, I don't Undecided
I win!
i don't use a hair dryer, i'm very minimalist.
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